Most of us would have read books on the gut and gut health by now and we all know that the gut is responsible for so much more than we know.This microbiome consists of bacteria and microorganisms in your stomach and intestines – which is basically your gut.
You can choose to nourish it with good food, rest and stress management or you can neglect it with not enough rest, chronic stress, poor lifestyle habits and inadequate sleep.
Much has been discussed about the gut’s importance in building immunity, stabilising mood, fighting inflammation and halting disease in its tracks. Naturally, we know that the gastrointestinal tract transports food and nutrients in the body, while also filtering out waste. Lately, however, experts believe that there’s more to it than mere digestion. Gastroenterologist Dr. Tara Menon says that the gut is linked to other overarching health issues, from immunity, to emotional stress, and even chronic illnesses like cancer and Type 2 diabetes. This is why taking care of your gut is extremely important, and that can start by altering your diet as well as taking daily measures to destress.
There’s been a lot of talk about taking prebiotics or probiotics to help restore the gut’s function and improve the microbiome. In a previous post called ‘Heal Thy Gut, prebiotics and probiotics were discussed as supplements that could help fortify your gut. While the former consists of compounds that help healthy bacteria thrive, the latter are good bacteria. There is actually an optimal time to take a probiotic, which is on an empty stomach, outlines Parsley Health’s functional medicine physician Dr. Stephanie Wallman. This is to ensure that the probiotics are being assimilated better.
Once you’ve got that covered, here are some of the best things you can eat to restore your gut and keep it healthy and happy:
Yoghurt and Kefir
Yoghurt is often one of the first foods that come to mind when thinking of probiotics. As a fantastic source of healthy bacteria, this helps break down hard to digest sugars like lactose. As far as possible, try and have plain, unflavoured yoghurt with no added sugars or flavours. Similarly, kefir, which is a yoghurt drink of fermented milk is another healthy option and it can be used in both sweet and savoury culinary concoctions.
Kimchi and Sauerkraut
Fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut are some of the best things you can eat for a healthy gut, according to a list by BBC Food. When eaten frequently, you may notice that you will have better gut health, which in turn will lessen your chances of getting bowel disease. They are also a good source of dietary fibre. These are both cheap and simple to make at home, so you can definitely start eating them as sides to a number of dishes.

Legumes cover a wide range of options, such as chickpeas, peas, lentils, and the like. These contain fibre which helps against common digestive illnesses like diverticulitis, or intestine inflammation. They safeguard against bad bacteria while also improving one’s bowel functions. Legumes can also serve as a healthy source of protein that make wonderful vegetarian replacements if you’re trying to lessen your meat intake.
An article on MSN Lifestyle about consuming fresh ginger daily for a week mentions that it helps produce stomach acid which is important in facilitating the digestive system and helps to break down food. It’s anti-inflammatory, great for tummy aches and also helps ease nausea. Since it’s such a versatile ingredient, you can have it a number of ways. Boil some ginger tea or add it to your morning pressed juice or smoothie. Incorporate it in your meals as it’s sure to go well in soups, stir-fries, stews, and curries.

When you start making more conscious dietary choices you will start to notice the difference in your overall wellbeing. A healthy and happy gut will ultimately lead to a will lead to a healthy, vibrant and happy life.